Ten days left between now and the end of #NaNoWriMo 2014 and I’m not quite ready yet. I’m behind. Not horribly behind, but enough that if I don’t catch up before Thanksgiving, I don’t think I’m going to make it. So what am I doing? Naturally I’m writing a blog instead.
20,000 words to go, and there’s no way I can wrap the story up in that amount of time. I actually think this one will end up being around 70-80k total. What did I decide to go with? Captain Jac and the Seven Deadly Sins.
Right now Jac is experiencing a classic dungeon crawl – by herself – Her two crew mates didn’t make it this far. I hadn’t planned on a dungeon crawl, and I don’t want it to take too long, but I don’t want it to feel rushed either. I suspect this is the problem with pantsing a story!
I hope your writing is going well! Time for me to stop procrastinating.