AMAZING STORIES put up a great review for Charisma +1 this morning.
Selected Quotes:
“…this book will be a handy reminder of what you already know plus a few things you hadn’t thought about, all presented with a humorous coating that makes it easier to digest.”
“Charisma +1 manages to succeed where much of the ongoing discussion does not, primarily because the author uses humor rather than browbeat the reader with a harshly presented list of dos and don’ts.”
“Another thing Ms. Brawner does well is to not single out one subset of people – everyone can use good manners.”
“At 96 pages, Charisma +1 is not a comprehensive guide covering all situations, nor does it claim to be, but what it does do is put readers at ease, helping them feel comfortable in their own actions and in how to react in unpleasant situations. Jessica Brawner’s Charisma +1: The Guide to Convention Etiquette for Gamers, Geeks, and the Socially Awkward is available from WordFire Press.”